Wednesday, August 20, 2008

only to me

There are many times in my world where I realize that the things I deal with can only happen to me.  And to be honest I block them out.  I guess I don't want to be reminded that these things occur in my world, or that I happen to be subject to some cruel act of fate.  (and don't go all theological on me, I know the whole fate issue)  

Today, I truly believe has been an optimum example of what happens to me.  Here in Maryland you basically have to prove that you actually exist in 5 different forms of being to get your license and plates.  I finally got my license and had to proceed to get my plates which requires an inspection.  Guess who failed the inspection?  I did, I did!  And why?   Because my tint was too dark!!!!!  WHAT THE !#$%@%^@^!!?!?!?!  That's right, here in Maryland you can't have your tint too dark because the cops can't see into your car.  Mind you - once inspected with a light tint you can go and get darker tint on the car.  Seriously.  

But, I got my plates, and now I have to figure out how to attach my plates without getting that line of grime under my finger nails.  I asked one of the maintenance people at work if he could help me out, and he was more than agreeable.  Great!!!  Until 5:30 when I realized that I still didn't have my car keys which I had given to Jerry to change my plates!!!!  Walking around and around, calling up and down, couldn't reach Jerry.  But, he did finally bring back my keys and I can now go home.

Only to me -- only on the day that I'm already stressed to the nth degree and can't quite see straight.  And only when I really think I'm going to loss it!!

Oh, my uncle did pass away on Friday.  The service is on Saturday - the day before Promotion Sunday -- only to me!!!  (gosh, that sounds so selfish -- it really isn't, I am going!)  So, I'll be in FL for under 24 hours and down in Ft. Myers.  So close, yet so far.


Vicki said...

oh debby! I've had days like that too-- they're just horrible! You need a big glass of wine...

Anonymous said...

It is not only to you, believe me! Sometimes I send people emails with the wrong attachments....