Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The moments that matter

This weekend, I traveled to Lancaster, PA for a women's retreat. Let me be honest, I'm often scared of these things. I know, it doesn't seem possible, but go with me... there is loads of pressure to be the funny one, or to be the spiritual one, or to do some thing about the hotel because of my travel industry experience. When Sundee said she had signed me up, I wasn't too sure I wanted to attend. She then informed me that I got to help in leading worship, and what else could I do but go?

Leaving on Friday to head to PA began with these words, "You can't expect much from me this weekend. I'm too tired and worn out to make any effort in entertaining people." Elizabeth and Sundee were ok with that. They helped in the entertainment factor and made me laugh endlessly. During our first session on Sat AM, the speaker noted that her prayers for us were, "That you'll laugh until you cry, cry until you laugh and have that women's retreat that you've always wanted." From imagining roadsigns, seeing hot air balloons (check out the flame in the basket!), and looking for wee/little people we laughed -- alot!!! Surprise!

About 1 mile from our hotel was a haven of comfort and good food -- Cracker Barrell. You have to remember that CB was about 1 mile from the condo in O-town. The closest one to my current residence is 45 minutes!!! WHAT!?! Argh. We took advantage of the close proximity of that country store and dined there multiple times!

While eating dinner on Friday Wendy was our waitress. She was quite a sport and joked with us and enjoyed our laughter. And then we told her why we were in the area. "A women's retreat from a church? I've been having a lot of faith questions lately, maybe I should join you." Excuse me? Does that ever really happen? I tell you, the Spirit is pulling on her heart strings. One of the ladies gave Wendy her card, and I wrote my name and email on the back. She's trying to move to Baltimore to become a police officer. We assured her, if she moved here, we'd get her connected. It was such a beautiful exchange of love amongst strangers. The six of us dining together were privileged to observe someone needing love and being able to provide it. The next day, we returned to CB for lunch and got to see Wendy again. We again told her to let us know if she's in town.

There are moments in all our worlds when we get to love. And too often we pass them by because it interferes with our time and needs. But, those little acts of love are just bold non-verbal presentations of the Gospel. I hope we hear from Wendy. She needed love and we had love to give. Where's your Wendy? Who can you love in the midst of your day? It takes people back when I ask them about their day. Especially when it is 8pm at Walmart on Saturday. I know those people would rather be somewhere else, but they are working so I can go to the store. Or they are working on a holiday, or they have to pick up the trash at a restaurant. Or they are a waitress at CB just needing a good laugh to remind them of the sweet goodness of God.

I think this will be a retreat that we'll remember for life. Of course, it didn't help that on the way home we passed a just-hit deer which turned its head and looked at us!!!! Seriously!

PS. Thanks to Jim and Kim for teaching me how to interact with wait-staff. Thanks to Carol and Jim for trying to come and see me this weekend. And three cheers for JG as he prepares for the big race .... can't wait to see the fam in DC!


Vicki said...

Nice post Debby. I miss you. V

patti said...

Look at you...evangelizzzing in Cracker Barrel!
I love you girl! you are a blessing to those around you. I love how you were just straight up and said, "Listen, Im too tired to be funny" Oh honey...I get it! Its hard being popular!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog. :)