Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Things not found in Florida

As I was driving to work this morning, I realized I was seeing something I never saw in the Sunshine State. Freezing rain was coming down. I could hear it hitting the ground and window sills as I was getting ready today, but when I walked outside it was a new sensation. See, the ice, as small bits of rain, dropped on my head. I didn't get wet, but it landed, melted and made the roads slick. I walked across the street for my mail and didn't have a bit of water on me. It was amazing!!!

In that vain, I wanted to bring to your attention some other things I've never seen in Florida. It's quite interesting if I do say so myself.

The grocery store which is the easiest to get to is called Martin's. It's alright. It ain't Publix by a long shot. But, they do have a fun feature which draws me in:

The hand-held scanner is super cool. It's like registering for wedding presents but getting them instantly! And you have to pay for them, but it's so cool! If I work it right, I remember to bring my reusable Publix bags to add into the fun. You simply shop, scan it all in, bag it in your cart, and then you check out at an "easy scan" lane and get out of there in a jiffy! Of course, it never is a jiffy when I shop because I find too many interesting items. Like this one:

A new meaning behind crabcakes!!! Marylanders are very proud of their crabs and crab cakes. This just isn't the type that everyone is so eager to make sure I try and enjoy. I've had the real ones. They're alright. This just made me laugh.

My final observation really sent me over the edge. Just before Thanksgiving I found the sculpted Turkey. And to carry on the tradition, here's the tree:

Exactly. Sculpted out of BUTTER!!! I thought that only happened in Wisconson - the dairy capital. But, you can find your very own Christmas tree ... in the dairy aisle of your local grocer.

Next week, I'll be in Florida, going to Publix at least 4 times!!! And oddly, that's almost as exciting as presents. Strange.

If I don't post before -- Have a very Merry Christmas. Remember the sweet, dear love that God has for you and shows to us in the birth of his precious son. He's here to be an tangible representation of that unending, never changing love for you. That's some Good News!

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